Sunday, January 07, 2007

* decided to edit it for dont know what reason ! *

Boohoos ! Everyone (:
I'm finally back to blogging right ?
Hahah , anyway , can't really remember much on these like , two or three weeks ever since i've updated , which is like , so omfg ? alright , anyway , let me try to recall or so okay (:

29th December 2006

Alright , from 29th-31st , i was in genting , cam-whored quite alot , and also had alot of fun over there , hahah , went to play those so omfg games , and i screamed like an insane okay ! so omg luhs ! anyway , went to play one game , which i LOVE it alot , is the huge huge huge pirate ship ! omg , it's new and bigger then alot of countries ! hahah , firstly it swung at a slow and low speed , and when there's this ' zoom ' sound , each time it went higher and higher , and i went omfg ! omg , from on top and it swung down , it's like your whole heart fly down luhs ! i screamed and screamed luhs , together with my cousins and all . my uncle took some pictures of it , but i'm not posting it up hahah . anyway , sat alot of different rides , but can't possibly list them all down right . i think , that's all for the trip to genting (:

1st January 2007

A very HAPPY NEW YEAR to each and everyone of you people !
i went over to changi chalet , as my nephew is celebrating his very own one year old birthday ! omg , ryan is so cute lah ! we went swimming , and in the swimming pool , i screamed like a mad women luh ! went to play here and there , played ' ban lat ' too , won money ! hahah , was damn happy . anyway , then at around 9pm in the night , almost all the invited guest arrived , and so the so called ' cutting cake ceremony ' started (: the cake was a huge elmo lah ! so cute can ? hahah , it's VERY delicious alright . nice nice nice ! then , went fooling around , arcades and so on , then went home at around 2am ? then bathed and went to bed .

2nd January 2007

Stayed at home and packed things for the next day , as it was first day of school . then joey called up , she told me she needed to buy school shoes from jurong point , so accompanied her there , then she bought the ' north star ' one , we ate pizza hut , i had ' hawaiian pizza ' while she got her ' chicken supreme pizza ' it's very very delicious ! then shopped around in popular , i bought some pens for school use , and also plastic covers for books , and after that , at around 3plus , took bus to joey house , fooled around in her house and after that walked home . then started rotting , slept at around 11 plus .

3rd January 2007

First day of school ! Had a new principle called ' mr shawal ' , and man ! he's so strict alright , even a ' strand ' of side burns also cannot =.- uniform , his expectations is PERFECT , well got new uniform , so it OUGHT to be perfect , socks he didn't mention much . so socks mine is ankle length , muarhahas ! so on so on , speech , he given , and blah blah . anyway , feeling of being a senior is so good ! bwarhahas ! those sec ones are so stupid , i mean one or a few , our new uniform is meant to be , tucked out , some of them tuck it in =.- anyway , never mind . took new time table , first subject i see is MATHS , teacher MRS GAN ! and i went OMGOMGOMG ! mrs gan is my teacher . omg ~ i'm so happy YYYYYYYYYYY
She's so cool ! omgomg ! anyway , enough of my nonsense , i'm going mad again .

4th January 2007

same thing , school school school ! school rocks !

5th January 2007

same thing , school school school ! it rocks big time !
anyway , i bought a digital camera and mp5 !

6th January 2007
down with FLU and SORE THROAT !
rarrrrr -.-

7th January 2007
still down , with blocked nose ,
but i feel much more better and normal alrdy (:
rotted at home for the whole day .

anyway , in a state of

won't be blogging too often ,
when i'm free , i'll come online and blog .
as i want to go to 3B next year , i've got to be extremely hardworking in order to get into this particular good class ! ' A ' maths is what i aiming for !

changed skin , comments comments ~
they're much well pretty appreciated !
omg alright (:

Replies of tags ! [:

tiewtian : Alright , will link you up . and also , happy new year too ! take care , with loves !
shopFACE : Alright , if i have the time , because i don't go online shopping now .
JILING : Hello , yes yes ! hahas , love my sunshine jie loads (:
huiishii : Linked you up !
joey : Hahah ! saw saw !
Jermin! : Hahah , loves loves too ! Take care !
LK : Depends , will try my best to .
purrhaps : Omg , i'm not chio , hahah ! alright , will try to :D
Stefanie : Stefanie ! Cutie , MERRY CHRISTMAS , plus new year too !
ANGEL : Hey , chio bu ! i'm not chio , you're more , HOHO MERRY X'MAS TOO !
MV : Alright , will try to one .
glam garden : haha , alright , but i'm not interested in anything .
Stefanie : Hahah , my school's rocking (: hahas , how's yours ? i'll take care , you too !

* erms , those tags on online shopping blogs , i'll be deleting all those ! *
& to spammers , spam for all you want , i'll just delete them , dont said i'm humji or whatever , i just can't stand childish people like you people , so kindly shut up and goodbye (:

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